Splash at Irvine CA - Private Pool Homes for Summer Buyers
It's summer at Irvine and South Orange County and time of year for some fun, backyard parties and family gatherings, grilling of fish, chicken or ribs on the barbecue, and getting wet in the pool.
Irvine has 43 homes now listed for sale that have their own private swimming pools, and here are some examples:
13811 Solitaire Way - Racquet Club at Northwood - asking price of $559,000 - MLS #658889
2 Ramada - Canyon Creek homes at Northwood village - asking price of $899,888 - MLS #659434
10 Rockwren - Gables homes at Woodbridge village - asking price of $1,199,000 - MLS #S647411
3 New Dawn - Rosegate homes at Northwood - asking price of $1,890,000 - MLS #656312
37 Momento - Vicara homes at Quail Hill - asking price of $2,275,000 - MLS #S659972

This Irvine homes listed with private swimming pools update is based upon information from Southern California MLS, includes listings by all brokers, does not include that for new home sales, FSBOs, and those at trustee sale auctions after foreclosure.
Harrison K. Long - solutions for real estate and business - REALTOR® and broker associate, GRI - Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage - 949-854-7747 (phone) - ExploreProperties@gmail.com (email) - CA DRE 01410855 - SFR short sale and foreclosure resource certified by the National Association of REALTORs® - also now serving as a director at California Association of REALTORs®.
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