Homeowners Walking Away From Mortgage Obligations - Is this the Right Thing to do?

A growing number of people in Arizona, California, Florida and Nevada, are said to be considering a "strategic default," walking away from their mortgages ... not because they need to but rather because of their own financial interest.
What about contract terms? A standard mortgage-loan document reads, "I promise to pay" the amount borrowed plus interest.
Do people have a moral obligation to pay this loan regardless of value of the underlying asset (the home)?
What's the risk of walking away? It isn't risk-free, and a foreclosure stays on a consumer's credit record for seven years and can send a credit score (based on a scale of 300 to 850) plunging by as much as 160 points.
Homeowner Debtors should thinking carefully before making this important choice.
Harrison K. Long, Explore Group, Coldwell Banker Previews, Irvine, CA. Irvine Realtor. CA DRE #01410855. ExploreProperties@gmail.com. Tel. 949-854-7747.
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