Volunteers Needed to Serve as Judges for Concordia Debate Challenge for High Schoolers

Volunteers are needed for the upcoming high school National Speech and Debate tournament for homeschoolers at Concordia University in Irvine.
Debate and speech events are scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th, 14th, 15th, and concluding Saturday, January 16th.
Two primary debate forums will be:
Team Policy - Resolved: That the United States Federal Government should Significantly Reform Environmental Policy.
Lincoln Douglas - Resolved: That competition is superior to cooperation as a means of achieving excellence.
Semi-final rounds for debates are scheduled for Saturday, January 16, in the afternoon, and finals will be in the evening.
There will be great final rounds of all speech events throughout the day on Saturday in Apologetics, Expository, Extemporaneous, Impromptu, Dramatic and Humorous Interpretation, and Original Speeches.
These students are expected to go on to great things with their education experiences and eventually play important and positive roles for their families, their communities and in our country.
During past years, we have volunteered for this tournament and had great fun.
These young people will be blessed by your participation while you will be inspired and encouraged by their spirit and work.
Check out the event web site at - https://concordiachallenge.homeschooldebate.net/. Log on there and volunteer online.
For other information or answers to questions, please contact by email at ConcordiaChallenge@gmail.com ... or call Jacquie Antoun at 949-466-9678. Thank you.
Harrison K. Long, Explore Group, Coldwell Banker Previews, Irvine, CA. Irvine Realtor. CA DRE #01410855. ExploreProperties@gmail.com. Tel. 949-854-7747.
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