Income Tax Information for Businesses from the IRS

Income Tax information for businesses available from the Internal Revenue Service.
IRS links to ...
Tax Code, Regulations and Official Guidance
The place to start for researching publicly accessible versions of the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury (Tax) Regulations, or other forms of official IRS tax guidance.
The place to start for researching publicly accessible versions of the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury (Tax) Regulations, or other forms of official IRS tax guidance.
Excise Tax
The Excise Tax Web pages contain information associated with the manufacture, sales or consumption of certain commodities. Excise Tax has several general tax programs and one of the major components is motor fuel. These pages will assist you in finding out information about the various programs, databases, and activities within Excise Tax.
The Excise Tax Web pages contain information associated with the manufacture, sales or consumption of certain commodities. Excise Tax has several general tax programs and one of the major components is motor fuel. These pages will assist you in finding out information about the various programs, databases, and activities within Excise Tax.
Online Ordering for Information Returns and Employer Returns
Order information returns and employer returns online.
Order information returns and employer returns online.
Harrison K. Long, Explore Group, Coldwell Banker Previews, Irvine, CA. Irvine Realtor. CA DRE #01410855. Tel. 949-854-7747.
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